Building Stronger Leadership Teams Using Business Management Tools with Catherine Lethbridge at Workfacta

Season 2, Episode 8,   Jul 14, 2022, 05:06 PM

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Catherine Lethbridge, Head of Strategy and Marketing at Workfacta, lets us in on her innovative work at Workfacta and the product's ability to create "management zen" for teams across the board.

In this week's episode, Catherine Lethbridge, Head of Strategy and Marketing at Workfacta, lets us in on her innovative work at Workfacta and the product's ability to create "management zen."

"Anyone running a business or a team is constantly fire-fighting," she mentions, "and anyone who says otherwise is lying."

As someone who has managed across industries, Catherine has created the prized "star feature" in Workfacta — a system that alleviates the last-minute havoc of zoom meetings and google meets and instead automates everything from deciding what to talk about, setting the agenda, to taking notes.

We marvel at the fact that a global survey revealed that 90% of executives admitted to having failed to meet some of their strategic objectives because of problems in execution. This makes products like Workfacta absolutely necessary to achieve the goals companies set and prevent them from getting lost down the communication pipeline.

Being avid supporters of diversity and inclusion, we also chat about how Catherine has seen D&I play out across her various roles. Catherine emphasizes the importance of a perspective shift in implementing diversity-based policy. "Diversity is often understood as a difference in cultural background or gender; I see diversity as a different way of thinking."

More interesting conversations follow, including Catherine’s predictions for HR tech and her take on one problem that tech can’t solve.

Catherine’s work at Workfacta: