Win All Day! With Coach JC and Strumming Through Life with Chris Martin

Episode 246,   Jun 25, 2022, 04:00 PM

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Alan welcomes Coach JC - Mental Conditioning Coach, Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker, and Author of Win All Day!  Alan talks about his Aha! moment when he understood business  It's when he lost everything due to arrogance.  Question to Coach JC, "when was your aha! moment?"  He replied, "my breakthrough came when he realized all else failed and have no choice but to reinvent himself!"  Coach JC say's you have to believe in yourself!  Believe that you are a winner and that you deserve to have it all.  He shares about his "Win All Day" book series. Body Transformation, becoming what you want to be,  How to win as an entrepreneur and have success in that realm, Win All Day-for athletes,  Win All Day-Personal Branding, and Fit For Duty, Fit For Life and lastly 6. Playbook for your Life.  After hitting rock bottom, he helps people become the winner to build the life they desire through personal development.  Every single person on this earth was created to win.  With his 5 "focus" keys you will be able to achieve that.  Here you will find the questions that you need to answer before you can achieve all that you want to achieve.

1.  What do I want?  What is my vision?

2.  Why?  What's my purpose?  Why do I want it?

3.  Who am I?  Who do I want to be?

4.  How do I create a winning mindset?

5.  To find out what this is, read his books!

Up next is Chris Martin  - CEO of Martin Guitar.  He is being interviewed at the NAMM Show in Anaheim, California.  It is an annual event that is organized by the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM), it is the "industry's largest stage, uniting global music sound and entertainment technology communities".  Chris shares that this is the 6th generation of his families legacy.  He shares the struggles and changes that the company had to go through and it's surviving.  Chris explained how "Hawaiian" music during the Pan Pacific Exhibition brought a whole new era with the ukulele.  The Folkboom, and later how MTV unplugged helped turn the tables for Martin Guitars.  Chris explains that acoustic instruments will never go away.


  • [00:00:00] Coach JC
  • [00:05:09] Believe In Yourself
  • [00:11:31] 5 Keys To Your Kingdom
  • [00:18:52] NAMM Show
  • [00:28:58] The Ukulele
  • [00:34:40] Generational Strong