On what happens after GCSEs

Season 3, Episode 29,   Jun 27, 2022, 06:30 AM

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The end of exams brings with it an almost palpable lifting of a weight. The hard work has been done – or not – and now all you have to do is wait. And I say “all” like it’s easy in itself. For some this waiting period can be a little fraught too. So what are the best ways to approach this hinterland between exams, results and our little darling’s next steps?

This week I’m delighted to be joined by Andy Scott-Evans. And is the Head Teacher of Becket Keys Church of England School in Essex where he has been head for nearly 10 years.

In this episode we ask:
  • Do you think it’s worth trying to pick over the bones of their freshly sat exam?
  • There’s a temptation to say “oh well they don’t really matter” if things haven’t gone well. Weighing the relative importance of GCSEs for students
  • How best to use the time between now and results (and start of term)
  • Should students be mindful of their CVs during this time?
  • Advice for results day and aftermath