Shayne battles terminal brain cancer GBM

Episode 66,   Jun 23, 2022, 01:25 AM

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Shayne is a 47 year old father of three from Daylesford in country Victoria, Australia. He is now suffering and battling against a Grade 4 GBM( Glioblastoma), terminal brain cancer. The deadliest of cancers. Shayne's prognosis is absolutely dire, with only months to live.

Shayne and the family are still in absolute shock and are totally devastated.

Only six months ago Shayne was healthy, strong and excited for the future, especially about planning a trip to WA with his children. His dream, as many of you know, was to finish renovating the old coach he bought years back to create a motorhome for that trip of a lifetime. Sadly his bus-dream-home won't become a reality... but a rental motorhome with a good bed for Shayne, space for his kids, including his fur baby, for a mini trip is now the goal.

Late last year, totally out of the blue, Shayne started experiencing seizures. Medical testing led to the tragic diagnosis of a Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) in his temporal region, already in stage 4. Now post-operation, Shayne is struggling every day and fighting for his life. 

Having just completed radiation therapy, Shayne has embarked on the painful and invasive treatment of chemotherapy to try to halt the growth of this aggressive cancer. Despite his brave battle, the cancer and treatment is taking an enormous toll on him and his quality of life.

The family are asking for your support so he can get the best quality of life in the time he has left, to help support his final wish of going on his last road trip - to enable him to spend time with his children making as many memories as a family while they are together. And with your support, help his children into the future.