AN 4.171 - 4.180 Intentions

Jun 17, 2022, 05:38 AM

Episode image
4.171 Intention and its results.
4.172 Sāriputta realized the four kinds of textual analysis a fortnight after he ordained.
4.173 When the senses end, is there anything left? Or is that just proliferation?
4.174 When the senses end, is there anything left? Or is that just proliferation?
4.175 A “terminator” is someone who has made an end of suffering. But are they defined by knowledge or conduct?
4.176 Leading examples for the four assemblies.
4.177 A teaching to Rāhula, the Buddha’s son, on the four elements.
4.178 Meditative attainments don’t always lead to letting go of the attachment to self.
4.179 Why only some people realize Nirvana in this life.
4.180 How to determine what is an authentic teaching of the Buddha.