Season 12 Episode 22 – Glup Shitto

Jun 09, 2022, 07:14 PM

Episode image
Fanfics read:
X-Men Orgy (xmeno.txt)
69 Hues of Meta Hosting a Podcast for the End of the World (by BusterManwomb)
Readers: Stevo, David, Val, Logan, Shawn
This is it, the last episode of Season 12! After this, we're taking the Summer off and then we'll see if we can come back occasionally once the Fall hits, but we will not longer be doing weekly episodes! The era of guests is over! IT IS THE END TIMES (no the show is not dying I swear)! And we're going out the way we came in: reading bad fanfic. One last diddlefic by Buster Manwomb before *the hibernationing* begins. It's been quite a journey getting to this zenith, now how the hell do we get down?
In all seriousness, as we shift into this new phase of podcast existence, thank you to everyone who's helped us make it this far. Happy Pride month to all, as well. We'll see you when we see you. This is not the last time you'll hear us reading smut!