Tired, Fatigue and Achy, Learn the Secrets to Overcome!

Season 1, Episode 155,   Jun 07, 2022, 05:07 PM


Are you tired of being sick and tired, it's an age old adage, that we hear over and over. Did you know you could be suffering from an ailment that can be alleviated with a diagnosis and treatment? Today we will discuss the most common ailments and fatigue causes that many doctors do not test for. Find out how you can overcome fatigue!

Exhausted, wanting to take a nap everyday at the same time. Waking up in the morning after 8 hours of sleep and feel like you never slept. We have answers for you, today we will discuss indepth common hormonal problems, sleep apnea causes that your ENT does not discuss with you that are super simple to alleviate. What would you do if you could sleep 45 minutes more. Everyday patients share their overwhelm with exhaustion, from work fatigue to physical and emotional fatigue. A few secrets we will discuss include testing for chronic fatigue and common viruses that can cause your exhaustion called EBV or Ebstein Barr Virus and CMV (Cytomeglovirus), very similiar in characteristics of symptoms as Mono, which most people have heard from. Did you know these virus' steal your ATP, if you can remember back in school days it takes ATP to make energy. Every time you move a muscle ATP is being released, and without it you are exhausted and may also feel muscle fatigue and weakness. Testing for these are a simple blood test. 

Another common cause of fatigue is thyroid disorders, any age can suffer from dry skin, constipation, hair loss and extreme fatigue and weight gain in many. A simple test looking at your thyroid profile can bring valuable information to quickly correct the hormonal balance. Many patients may have normal TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) but it is not optimal. I prefer my patients to be between 0.5-1.5 not the typical 0.5 to 5 which most of our patients have significant symptoms at 3.0. In addition, we want to look at the balance of T4, T3 Thyroid Uptake of T3 and TPO which is an inflammatory reaction of antibodies, helping healthcare professionals determine the causes of the problem. Be sure to ask your doctor to test for Vitamin D and Progesterone because the balance between these is very important for optimal health.

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Have a Super Blessed Week, Mike Herzing and Dr. Liza Leal your everyday health hacker team! Powered by Meridian Health Institute and Meridian Medical Dental Healthcare.