speaking of recovery

Mar 09, 2020, 04:00 AM

Episode image
Episode #7
Speaking of Recovery
Guest: Kelley Kitley – Psychotherapist and owner of Serendipitous Psychotherapy and Renew
Studio, a media expert and author of MY self: An autobiography of survival.
On this episode we speak about recovery with psychotherapist and friend Kelley Kitley. Kelley
has been telling stories since she was 6-years-old and it’s not an accident that her platform was
her family’s bar. Today she counsels people through their own recovery and has been sober
herself for 7 years. Kelley and I speak openly about addiction and it is my hope that if you are
struggling with addiction, something in Kelley’s story will land on your heart.
Listening notes:
1:19 Meet Kelley
2:52 Kelley’s story
3:20 How we met
5:22 Survivor
5:38 Kelley’s recovery
7:00 Finding your stage
7:40 Bar life
9:05 The 80’s are over
9:43 Kelley’s first drink at 12
10:27 Drinking was normal
10:46 The moment that led Kelley to stop drinking
11:36 Compulsiveness
11:50 Addiction
12:32 What can we do to give us hope if we battle with addiction?
14:00 7 years sober
14:36 When Kelley got sober
16:25 When it clicks
17:55 Replacement and distraction
18:50 The “Sally” moment
19:53 More distraction and replacement
20:43 Adrenaline junkie
21:06 Clear
21:17 Who is Kelley after being sober?
22:09 How can you help people avoid traps?
24:55 More tricks
26:04 Kelley’s sweet spot
27:41 Kelley’s kids and husband
29:10 Survivor
29:59 How does it make you feel helping people with their pain?
30:38 The power of our story
31:21 Use your story to help others
32:04 Kelley helping others
32:46 Purpose
32:55 My memoir and my husband
35:00 When you grow up in a house where you don’t talk about anything I call that
35:42 Living in secrecy
37:10 Therapy
37:26 My lightbulb moment with Kelley
38:12 Renew Studio
39:17 The new bar!
39:44 Own your truth
41:04 Finding your safe space
41:36 What are our daily practices?
41:53 Get it GIRL
42:10 Show Day = Purpose
43:57 I’m supposed to be here
44:04 What is your secret to engaging an audience?
45:11 Kelley’s daily prayer – the serenity prayer
45:24 7 tattoos
47:08 7 is a piece of tie
47:49 What is the #1 mistake people make with sobriety?
48:13 What reminds you of your purpose?
50:26 Self-soothing
50:47 What is exciting you right now?
50:15 Kelley tells me she never saw The Oprah Winfrey Show in the studio and wants
to be on Super Soul Sunday
53:05 The bigger the platform the greater the impact
53:24 It doesn’t matter the size of your audience, it matters that they showed up for
54:40 Where can we find you?
55:00 Our friend Julie Meute!
55:32 Things you love the most.
56: 40 Let’s stay honest
Connect with Kelley:
Instagram @kelleykitley
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/krkitley
Twitter @kitleykelley
Website https://www.kelleykitley.com
MY self: an autobiography of survival https://amzn.to/2RSIIr4
Serenity prayer https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serenity_Prayer
TEDx Talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEc0JLrCs1M
Daring Greatly by Brené Brown https://amzn.to/2RTilBl
Super Soul Sunday http://www.oprah.com/app/super-soul-sunday.html