speaking of transformation

Mar 15, 2021, 05:00 AM

Episode image
Episode # 9 Season 2
Speaking of Transformation
Guest: Edie Allen – Speaker, Artist, Advocate & Breakthrough Specialist
On this episode we are speaking transformation with speaker and healer Edie Allen. Edie’s start
to her story is what I would simply call a nightmare. As a victim of sexual abuse in her
childhood, Edie was just trying to survive. Today, as a survivor, her story is a lifeline for others
to survive.
I have never seen anything more powerful than Edie’s story. I suggest you watch this 7-minute
clip on the Janie’s Fund stage, Steven Tyler’s philanthropic initiative created in partnership with
Youth Villages to bring hope and healing to girls who have suffered the trauma of abuse and
neglect, before you listen to this episode. You will be transformed by Edie’s transformation.
00:51 It’s March!
1:08 Edie Allen
1:33 Red Spade message (my sponsor!)
3:25 Transformation
4:21 Janie’s Fund
4:58 How is love speaking to you today?
6:00 Edie’s story
8:53 A survivor of sexual abuse
9:38 What was your life like when you left home at 15?
13:00 Edie’s mom
13:43 Bill
14:15 How did Steven Tyler happen?
15:12 Hearing “Janie’s Got a Gun.”
15:56 “If this band is singing about this topic that means they know.”
18:44 A Joy Journey
20:41 On the 10th day a voice spoke
20:55 A-Fest & Bo Eason
22:05 “The first time I told my story.”
22:28 One True Sentence
23:12 “The hardest day of my life ....”
25:02 “If I could say the hardest thing that has ever happened to me, then maybe I
can tell my story (and help people).”
26:00 Steven Tyler called – a 3 hour & 20 minute conversation
26:42 “3:20 has always been significant.”
27:13 Edie’s son
27:30 Edie’s creative writing teacher Miss Barksdale
28:08 Edie’s guidance counselor moment
29:00 The rape
30:55 The birth
32:53 “When I gave birth - when they first put him in my arms I had no idea what to
33:38 “When women say I didn’t have a voice, I know what that feels like.”
34:10 “Had I had a girl I would have fled and no one would have ever seen us again.”
34:33 Where did you go?
36:14 A family from Edie’s church took her in
38;35 Do you have a relationship with your son?
40:11 “He is a wonderful father.”
40:43 “I had to make a decision. Do I protect a family of five or do I help thousands
and thousands of people and prevent this from continuing?”
41:50 “When Bill came into our lives he was someone who gave us a childhood as crazy
as this sounds.”
43:44 How does your work serve you?
44:00 Edie’s transformation story
44:19 “I fell in love with Reiki.”
45:19 “Love, white light, Mary, Christ & God.”
45:36 “Transformation started with me through Reiki.”
45:40 Look for these signals!
47:00 Edie’s first sign – “Go upstairs” and the 27th psalm
50:30 Are you working on a memoir?
50:50 Practicing Transcendental Meditation, found sobriety and Bob Roth of The David
Lynch Foundation
52:56 “Bring this (TM) to Janie’s Fund.”
53:45 “That is the greatest thing I have ever done, connecting all of that.”
54:18 Connection
55:38 Your memoir is going to be a film.
56:06 Paint the picture of your life today.
57:45 “What I would say to people struggling is to let go. Listen. Listen to the signs.
Listen to the voice inside. Get quiet.”
58:51 “Whatever your problems are, give them space.”
59:18 “The greatest transformations is when we meet them with grace.”
59:46 Where can we find you?
PS – if you didn’t watch the clip, Bill, Edie’s abuser, later took his life as well as his girlfriend’s
Janie’s Fund Speech
Janie’s Fund
Bo Eason
The 27th psalm
The David Lynch Foundation