Taking the Burden off the Founder with EOS

May 06, 2022, 12:00 PM

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On this episode of Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way, host Will Crist sat down with Deam Roys, the founder of Roys and Associates, a retained executive recruiting firm that connects talented people with jobs and helps companies retain those people. After informally running his business on EOS, Deam realized the value of this system as he started learning more about it. Eventually, he transitioned to using it with his business and telling other clients about it as well. Throughout the episode, Will and Deam discussed why entrepreneurs might be hesitant to adopt EOS and how the benefits of using EOS outweigh their doubts. 
Thanks for tuning in!
(0:40) Introduction to Deam Roys
(1:37) Staffing Trends
(2:24) Deam’s Relationship with EOS
(3:19) How Does EOS Change Companies?
(4:38) Entrepreneurs Are Getting in Their Own Way
(13:57) Figuring Out How to Balance
(16:43) EOS Life
(29:10) The Importance of Flexibility
(34:28) Contact Deam
Will Crist
Deam Roys
“...I think the biggest change I see is that they're just a lot happier with not only their work life, but their personal life.” Deam Roys, (3:26)
“With EOS, not only does it help kind of give them a structure to align things a little bit better in their business, but it also gives them time for their own personal life at home, which I think a lot of them going into it don't realize is imbalanced.” Deam Roys (3:48)
“I think that I would imagine many of these visionaries after going through EOS…must ask themselves what took them so long. How many years of their life that they lost not being able to spend their life doing the things that they really love. You know, why did it take them this long to get around to all this?” Deam Roys, (13:21)
“Half the battle, I think, is from the founder or visionary standpoint, trying to figure out what they're not good at, you know? Because they kind of think they're decent at doing everything and obviously they’re better at doing some things than others. But being able to admit that, ‘Hey, I'm not really that good at doing this and it'd be better for me to hire somebody to do this for me that's actually good at it.’ Just admitting that and going through that process alone is half the battle.” Deam Roys, (20:01)
“We help them basically take the chains of entrepreneurial-ism off and help them really start living their life and enjoying their life.” Deam Roys, (35:07)
Contact Will Crist