Harald Braun of Guident a portfolio company of Tekcapital #TEK discusses a raft of recent progress announcements
Episode 698, May 05, 2022, 01:10 PM
Harald Braun, Executive Chairman of Guident a portfolio company of Tekcapital #TEK discusses a raft of recent progress announcements, including being selected as a vendor by Jacksonville Transportation Authority to provide remote monitoring and control services.
Harald Braun, Executive Chairman of Guident a portfolio company of Tekcapital #TEK discusses a raft of recent progress announcements, including being selected as a vendor by Jacksonville Transportation Authority to provide remote monitoring and control services. Read more HERE
Working with Airspan Networks to provide customers with connectivity and software solutions for autonomous vehicles for smart city applications. Read more HERE
Forming a strategic alliance with Perrone Robotics, Inc. a leading provider of autonomous vehicle kits and full autonomy software. Read more HERE
About Tekcapital plc
Tekcapital creates value from investing in new, university-developed discoveries that can enhance people's lives and provides a range of technology transfer services to help organisations evaluate and commercialise new technologies. Tekcapital is quoted on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange (AIM: symbol TEK) and is headquartered in the UK. For more information, please visit www.tekcapital.com.