20. BF Lean summer days

Apr 29, 2022, 02:37 PM

Episode image
Speakers: Seoirse Ō Dochartaigh and John Ward

Patrick Campbell writes that 'scarcity would still be felt in and around the small mountain farms until midsummer or even the end of July. Indeed July was called ‘the hungry month’, ‘the lean month’ (the old Irish speakers named it Iul an ghorta’) ‘the shaking of the bags ‘ which when emptied were left ready and waiting for August and the golden harvest. Then the saying was ’we’ll soon be on the pig’s back’ for Lunasa Eve is at hand.

Seoirse Ō Dochartaigh tells us about the old diets as remembered in Charles McGlinchey's time. 

© 2021-2022 Racontour Productions. This clip forms part of the Celtic Calendar audio archive from Racontour Productions. Feel free to share if enjoyed, but with a credit or a social media tag to Racontour Productions please.
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