Tinnitus, Allergies and Tummy Upset, Treatment Alternatives! Part II

Season 1, Episode 150,   Apr 27, 2022, 12:00 AM


Tinnitus Allergies, alternative treatments to help you today, may be very different than the path you have been on. It's not the ENT, or the allergy specialist, it may be your dentist. Learn today how we manage the care of multiple issues, including, tinnitus, allergies, tummy upset and sleep apnea. How the complicated patient becomes a medical dental patient with an integrated approach.

 The inflammation that causes your nose to run also affects your body’s inflammation. Many suffer from nasolaryngeal reflux  (upset tummy) caused by sinus drainage, instead of reaching for the purple pill over the counter consider alternatives, our favorite is aloecure.com whether a pill or liquid form, will calm your stomach. Aloe is known as a natural anti-inflammatory auto-immunomodulator, use DrLiza for a 20% discount. As for the over the counter, there is a lot to choose from, if you want to consider a natural alternative for allergies in zones 6, through 9 (Southern) try the green bottle called Allergy Relief, it can be found on Amazon at https://amzn.to/3JOlKaM also called Texas Allergy Relief.

Discussion of the booster partial and full booster and how some side effects occur. How sensitivity can increase a painful reaction. We discuss how are practice has treated patients. How are practice is available 24/7. Through Telemedicine, Video medicine, and in-person. There are more viruses that can cause GI upset and cause severe diarrhea and vomiting and know that you may need a combination of therapies, call your doctor to determine if your symptoms need treatment acutely.

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