Episode #91 – Gender Assumptions & Role Incredulity : Dr. Amy Diehl and Dr. Leanne Dzubinski

Apr 12, 2022, 02:55 PM

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Today's guest is Dr. Amy Diehl and Dr. Leanne Dzubinski. Teresa. Amy and Leanne discuss gender assumptions and role incredulity.
Amy and Leanne recently published an article in the Harvard Business Review, "When People Assume You’re Not In Charge Because You’re a Woman.” They discussed role incredulity, a new term which means a form of gender bias where women are mistakenly assumed to be in a support or stereotypically female role — secretary, administrative assistant, court reporter, nurse, wife, girlfriend — rather than a leadership or stereotypically male role, such as CEO, professor, lawyer, doctor, or engineer. In these instances, women must expend extra energy and time to assert and sometimes prove their role. 
Teresa, Amy, and Leanne discuss examples of this in the workplace and what employers and employees can do to eliminate this type of gender bias.
To connect with Amy: https://amy-diehl.com or Twitter: @amydiehl
To read the article click here
Episode Timeline
00:06Introduction and Disclaimer
01:28What is Role Incredulity?
11:25Break and Public Service Announcement
11:51What Employers and Employees Can Do
24:19Teresa’s Closing Remarks