Creating content 101

Episode 78,   Apr 12, 2022, 06:00 AM

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In this episode of the Charity Digital podcast, we offer best practice advice and some digital hacks that will help you create attractive, edifying, and entertaining content without breaking the bank.

Creating content is becoming more and more important for charities. A nice blog post isn’t quite enough. You need to think about house style, formatting, imagery, tone of voice, consistency, titles, subtitles, hyperlinks, SEO, and so much more. One article requires a lot of attention. 

And that’s just articles. You may also need to consider videos, podcasts, webinars, interviews, case studies, infographics, and more. But worry not. In this episode of the Charity Digital podcast, our experienced guests offer best practice advice and some digital hacks that will help you create attractive, edifying, and entertaining content without breaking the bank.  

Our host Sacha Dhabalia is joined by Chris Hall (Head of Marketing), Laura Stanley (Digital Content Lead), and Ioan Marc Jones (Content Editor) to discuss all things content, with tips raising from writing high-ranking articles, filming videos on smart phones, creating podcasts on Zoom, and much more.