The Indian in the Cupboard

Mar 14, 2022, 01:00 PM

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When Dave fails to bring Chad back to life with a summoning spell, Immortan Hoof suggests he use his Grandma’s magical cupboard – the only catch is he doesn’t know how it works. But the answer may lie in an old Frank Oz film from the 90s…

A word of advice for anyone practicing dark magic out there…it’s tougher than it looks. Now, I’ll be the first to admit, I may have been hasty in my decision to use the powers of darkness in an attempt to bring Chad back to life – but given that it resulted in us watching an old childhood favorite this week, I can’t complain too much. Aside from the hole in the roof caused by the freak lightning storm, I’d say everything turned out alright!

I’m your host, Dave, and joining me as we decide to play God are fellow cinephiles Mike, Ryan, and Nick (aka: Immortan Hoof).

Listen as we discuss the existential dread of being torn from your world and forced to be a play thing for a dunce kid with a punchable face; we wonder what kind of child would actually want a Ferengi action figure; and finally, we get into what toys we would have brought to life when we were kids (Spoiler: they do NOT include anything from the Deep Space Nine toyline.)

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This is Dave from Sector 2…signing off. And remember, never let your kids play God!