#229 Dr Pamela Gerali: The Dance of Ego and Essence

Mar 02, 2022, 12:32 AM

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Show Notes  I’m loving the title of the new book by our guest today, Dr Pamela Gerali. It’s called The Dance of the Ego and Essence. In our discussion today we will talk about “who we really are” in are in our deepest and truest selves and what it is that prevents us from living in harmony with that truest self. That is why Pamela Gerali calls the process a Dance. I like that. A delicate a compassionate dance with our own spirit, hour heart, and mind. I am very much looking forward to this conversation. Dr Pamela Gerali captivates readers and audiences with wisdom and practical guidance from the Blueprint for the Human Spirit®, her model for conscious and compassionate living. She refers to herself as an architect for the human spirit. Pamela is a Registered Nurse with a Master’s Degree in Public Health and a Doctorate in Holistic Health Sciences. She is an author, public speaker, leadership mentor, and intuitive healer—something we will define as the show goes on.   Visit Pamela Gerali at drpamelagerali.com. You can click the link to find her book, The Dance of Ego and Essence.