#Londinium90AD: Gaius and Germanicus imagine the day after Domitian and Putin. #FriendsofHistoryDebatingSociety

Feb 28, 2022, 12:51 AM

Episode image
Photo:  The Triumph of Titus, by Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema (1885), depicting the Flavian family during the triumphal procession of 71. Vespasian proceeds at the head of the family, dressed as pontifex maximus, followed by Domitian with Domitia Longina, and finally Titus, also dressed in religious regalia. An exchange of glances between Titus and Domitia suggests an affair upon which historians have speculated. Alma-Tadema was known for his meticulous historical research on the ancient world.

#Londinium90AD: Gaius and Germanicus imagine the day after Domitian and Putin.  #FriendsofHistoryDebatingSociety
