49 | Pathway One: Soul Alignment - A five month transformational journey

Feb 24, 2022, 05:42 AM

Episode image
I am so excited to introduce you to my new live program “Pathway One: Soul Alignment”. 

Learn about my brand new five-month transformational journey beginning on 28th of April 2022.

This is for the ones ready to transmute their avatar and find deeper soul alignment, so they can follow their destiny and find greater levels of fulfilment in all areas of their lives.

In just a few months, I'm going to help you understand the reason why you're here on this planet at this time and help you feel so happy about it that you will find yourself, at the end of this journey, to be the most vibrant version of yourself you have ever been before.

Me, my High Council, the Ascended masters and my coaches will show you the way to transmute all lower frequencies through quantum alchemy, so you can witness what you came here to be: that you are a walking miracle, born for a reason and that now is the time to shine and activate your accelerated pathway of multidimensional evolution!

Pathway one of accelerated evolution is coded to activate deeper levels of soul connection, as the student understands the architecture of life and how the soul comes to exist in this physical reality.

Pathway one, soul-alignment, is facilitated over a 5 month period, starting on the 28th of April with the Opening Ceremony and finishing on the 29th of October with the Closing ceremony.

During this five-month journey, I will show the way, so you can remember who you are, so you can learn to stabilise your frequencies in 5D and follow your own unique destiny. Join me and my High Council now, and enter the vortex of your accelerated evolution!

My team and I cannot wait to welcome you in to this sacred and transformation container.

For more information about this live program, the content essence and to enrol now click here: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/pathway1

🪐 Bonjour!
I am your host Cendrine, ascension and mission mentor and trance channel to the 9D Arcturian Council of Light.  

Together we will learn about the infinite quantum and galactic realms so we can embody more of our multidimensionality and accelerate our ascension.

Let’s reclaim our freedom and recode our reality

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