How to write powerfully for business with John Simmons

Episode 273,   Feb 24, 2022, 09:00 AM

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John Simmons is a writer and consultant with a background in the world of identity and branding. He is the author of several books about writing, language, identity and branding. John is a globally recognized guru of modern business writing. He founded two influential organisations for writers – 26 and Dark Angels – that continue to champion more creative writing for business.

His classic book, We, Me, Them & It: How to write powerfully for business, is now republished in its 21st-anniversary edition.

It’s no good having a good idea if you cannot communicate it to someone else. John Simmons, in this stimulating and readable book, demonstrates how we can write and use words more creatively and persuasively in business today. From differentiating your company from another, to injecting life and vibrancy into your products and services, to writing everyday emails, this cult business book by the modern-day guru of business writing (now released as a new 21stanniversary edition) shows ways in which we can use words to gain competitive advantage in business life through “tone of voice”.  
John Simmons’ method of writing powerfully for business is based on his “WE, ME, THEM and IT” model, which over the past 25 years has been adopted by tens of thousands of marketers and other professionals around of the world. Simmons argues that effective business writing is about learning to love writing and words, and bringing more of our real selves to working life.