#PRC: Deriding Gu and Disappearing Peng at the Olympics. @GordonGChang, Gatestone, Newsweek, The Hill

Feb 15, 2022, 01:32 AM

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Photo: Peng Shuai's statement that has caused her to be disappeared by the Chinese Communist Party.

Screenshot/capture of Peng Shuai's Weibo post on 2 Nov 2021 regarding Zhang Gaoli. Peng Shuai  Nov 2 22:07 from Huawei .  

"I know it's impossible to explain clearly, and even if I were to talk about it it's useless. But still I want to talk about it. I feel so unbearably phony, I admit that I am not a good girl, a terrible terrible girl. Approximately three years ago vice premier Zhang Gaoli you retired, looked for Dr. Liu of the Tianjin Tennis Center and got in touch with me again, asked me for a time to play, at the Kang Ming Hotel in Beijing. After our AM session, your wife Kang Jie and you brought me to your home. Then brought me to a room at your residence, like that time over 10 years ago or prior* in Tianjin, wanted to have sexual relationship* with me. On the afternoon that day I was very scared, had not at all anticipated that things would end up like that, one person helping stand guard outside, because no one would have believed that the wife would be willing. Seven years ago or prior* we had sexual relationship* once, afterwards you were promoted to the Politburo Standing Committee, left for Beijing, and didn't contact me again. Originally I buried everything inside my heart, if you fundamentally don't plan on being responsible, why did you still bother to come around and look for me, bring me to your home and compel* me to have relationship* with you? Yes it's I who do not have evidence, while it's fundamentally impossible to leave any evidence. 

Afterwards you kept denying it, but truly it was you who favored me first, otherwise I would not have been able to come into contact with you. On the afternoon that day I originally did not agree and kept crying, had supper with you and aunt Kang Jie together, you said the universe is very very big, the Earth is a grain of sand within the universe, we humans are not even a grain of sand, and spoke about much much more, so that I could let go of thoughts and burdens. 

Nonetheless after supper I was also unwilling, you said you hated me! And said in those seven years you had never forgotten about me, will treat me well etc.  . . .  scared and nervous and carrying my feelings for you from seven years ago or prior* I agreed . . .  so yes we had sexual relationship*. Feelings are a very complicated thing, impossible to explain clearly, from that day on I re-opened my love for you, then during the days that I spent with you, just from interacting with you you are a very very nice person, treated me quite well too, we chatted about modern history all the way back to ancient eras, you told me knowledge of many things and economics and philosophy, endless topics. Together we played board games*, sang, played ping-pong, billiards, and tennis we could always play until we couldn't be merrier, our personalities were so compatible as if everything matched. 

Since I was little having left home very young, I've been extremely deprived of affection, so facing all that's happened, I've never considered myself to be a good girl, I hate myself, hate why I had to come to this world, to experience this calamity. You told me that you love me, very very much, and hoped that in the next life we could meet when you're 20 and I 18. You said you are very lonely, very pitiable by yourself, we could chat forever, talk on and on without end, you said that with your position there's no way to get a divorse, and had we met when you were still in Shandong, you might still be able to get a divorce, but now there's no way. 

I've thought about accompanying you just like this unknown by the outside world, in the beginning things were okay, but as time passed they changed, too many instances of injustice and insult. Every time you let me visit, behind your back your wife said so many nasty and insulting things to me, all kinds of caustic mockery and ridicules. I said I like eating duck tongues, aunt Kang Jie would say right in front of me ~eww so disgusting. When there was smog in Beijing in the winter I said the air quality was not very good sometimes, aunt Kang Jie would tell me, that's in your rural areas, we do not feel it over here. And so forth many many similar things were said, when you were present she would not speak in such fashion, almost like us, there was one set of behaviors when the two of us were spending time together, but when other people were present you would treat me differently**. [Remainder of the statement is below, at the end.]

#PRC: Deriding Gu and Disappearing Peng at the Olympics. @GordonGChang, Gatestone, Newsweek, The Hill


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** Peng Shuai's statement that has caused her to be disappeared by the Chinese Communist Party, second part.

. . . I've told you before, hearing those words so often made me feel especially wronged and hurt, from the day I met you until now I've never used any of your money, let alone using you to obtain any benefit or perk, but this thing called title and status is so important. I had it coming for all of this, bringing disgrace upon myself. From start to finish you've always told me to keep our relationship a secret, especially never to tell my mom about our relationship as a man and a woman, because it was she who saw me off near the Church of the Saviour, Beijing everytime, afterwards I had to change into your household's vehicle before it was okay to enter your courtyard. She always thought I was going to play Mahjong and cards, to hang out at your place. In our respective life each of us is a real-life invisible person, your wife is like the queen from Empresses in the Palace, while words cannot describe how unbearable I feel, many times I thought am I still a person? I feel I am a walking corpse, pretending, pretending everyday, which me is the real me? I shouldn't have come to this world, but neither do I have the courage to die. I very much wish to live more simply, but things didn't go my way. There was a very big dispute on the night of the 30th, you said to go to your house again on the afternoon of the 2nd for us to talk things out, today at noon you called and said something came up and for us to re-connect later, shirking everything, using the excuse of re-connecting later ......, just like this "disappearing" like seven years ago or prior*, after playing around you change your mind the moment you no longer want me. You said what's between us isn't transactional, true, the feeling between us is unrelated to money, power, but I have no way to put my feelings from these three years to rest, have difficulties facing them. You're always afraid I might carry some recording device, leave evidence and so forth. True, beside myself I haven't left any evidence or proof, no audio recordings, no videos, only the true experience of how I've been twisted. I know that to you the powerful and high-ranking vice premier Zhang Gaoli, you've said that you're not afraid. But even if it's hitting rock with eggs, as a moth flying towards flames sacrificing myself I would still reveal what has transpired with you. With your intelligence and strategems you would certainly deny this or you could even serve everything back at me, you can take things not seriously at all to such an extent. You are always saying that you hope your mom is watching over you from the heavens, I'm a bad girl and do not deserve to be a mother, while you are a father with son and daughter, I've asked you even if it were your adopted daughter would you have compelled* her to do so? With all of this that you've done in this life would you be able to face your mom with a clear conscience afterwards? All or both of us* appear very proper and sanctimonious ...... Translator's notes: (年前) years ago or prior: This could mean either a number of years ago/before the present, or a number of years prior to some other reference point established in the context. One interpretation or the other may or may not match the chronology of Zhang Gaoli's career. In certain places in her post, neither interpretation seems to match known facts, so Peng might have made some typos or small errors. On the other hand, it's clearer that whenever she refers to "three years", it means counting back from the present. (性关系/关系) sexual relationship/relationship: While this could refer to Peng's relationship overall, it can also be a euphemism for sexual encounter or intercourse. Her text does not provide additional details. Depending on the context, sexual relationship can also be shortened to relationship, but the latter does not usually refer to a relationship specifically of a sexual nature. (逼) compel: While it's possible for this to mean some involvement of threats or physical force, it could also mean to pressure by persuasion or to push very hard for one's demands, especially in non-formal conversations. Peng's text does not provide additional information. (下棋) played board games: Specifically board games with deployable pieces such as Go, chess, elephant chess, checkers. (我们都) all or both of us: Because this is the last sentence and appears to be incomplete, it's uncertain how many people are being referred to, although in my opinion it probably refers to all of us i.e. more than 2 persons here. For ~90% of the content of her post, I've retained her exact wording, order, repetition, and punctuation (except for asterisks in the translation to indicate my notes). The result should be free of any additions, omissions, interpretations, or changes in meaning.
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