Fun with Feng Shui

Episode 58,   Feb 14, 2022, 06:25 PM

The world needs YOU now more than ever! Come for a day of inspiration to turn up your light to shine and say YES to you in '22.

Ignite your light:

Learning about feng shui was a game-changer for me! When I was a child I remember feeling the vibe of places I would go such as my friends' homes, businesses and the home I grew up in. I had no idea that I was picking up on the energy of the physical space I was in but it was very real. 

Years ago I began studying about the powerful tool of feng shui and it changed my life forever! It taught me to pay attention to how I feel in a space. Ultimately it taught me so much about myself. I learned that we are all energetic beings and if we get quiet and listen to the whisperings of our intuition we can create a life of our dreams. I look forward to sharing some tidbits of feng shui in this episode 💫
