TSOT025: Journal Articles: Ground-shaking Dot Connecting. On Adjuvants, Nanoparticles, Toxicity, autoimmunity. By man's choice.

Feb 09, 2022, 02:11 PM

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A comprehensive pull-together of info from the journal sources, among others, listed in QROT-063. 


Literally, on one side journal articles discuss how bad these very nanoparticles are to biological systems. But on the other side the articles, call such damage "interaction" which they consider beneficial to the very narrow metric of "did it deliver the drug", while ignoring how bad it is, for instance, for a nanoscale razor blade (graphene oxide) to be floating through your system.

In QROT-063, you'll find some of the many scientific journal articles that are citations for this.
If you stay patient you'll learn as much about the inner workings of science in this particular area (ALL backed by journal article content)
How bad is graphene oxide? It is a nanoscale razor blade. It is used widely, in industry and at least potentially as a drug carrier and vaccine adjuvant (even as the articles about the industry use discuss how big of a threat it is to biological systems. Articles for instance, on toxicity in fish)
(and for similar reasons, not considering the scale of use, other nanoparticles are a similar threat to biological systems)

Other known nanoparticle materials used as adjuvants or drug carriers are a known cause of autoimmunity. We know the mechanism - the body confuses self with other, because the nanoparticles, being unnaturally small, bind too tightly to the human cells / tissue. So the body sees "other", and its system not ready to recognize that anything natural and foreign could bind too tightly, sees "self combined with other" as "other." This leads to confusion even of "self" without the "other" attached. 

The unnatural scale of nanoparticles is a fundamental CAUSE of metallics passing the blood-brain barrier. Something they literally will not do in their natural form. 

Adjuvants generally are nanoparticles. 
But its worse - it is not just adjuvants and therefore only "vaccines". Toxic nanoparticles are used widely as "drug carriers." 

Are adjuvants a more integrated part of "vaccine" even previously then we are led to understand? Is it that adjuvants are "added" for general response as is the classic summarized story? It seems the toxin (nanoparticle adjuvants) are probably the BASIS for the main part of vaccines(?)

"There is no adjuvant in the mRNA 'vaccine'"  Now how's that? Oh, but an Oxford expert says the lipid "trojan horse" encasement, that allows the mRNA to survive the body's self defense IS the "adjuvant".

So what does that imply? Doesn't she really mean that there is graphene  (or another nanoparticle" inside the lipid encasement? So now they're trying to address the biggest traditional objection to vaccines (why do you put poisons into them), by saying they do not.  Likely untrue, given that literally spectroscopy says there is plenty of graphene in it, so what purpose would it address? 

Other key areas, specifically pointed out: 
41:00 Guess what is formed when one puts a nanoparticle inside blood serum? A corona. Literally (not considering scale, which I have not investigated), it looks like a coronavirus "spike protein ball".

AND... for the incredible toxin to survive into the body, they say "let's put it in blood serum outside the body, so it already gets a lipid corona around it". FURTHER, they treat it on purpose in WEAKENED external blood before it gets to your blood serum. 

It seems literally the protection for the trojan horse mRNA instructions is the lipid corona that the external blood serum surrounds the graphene (or other nanoparticle) with.  

But what about a "self" cell being induced by the mRNA "vaccine" to create a spike protein on its outside? Is that itself not a basis for the body now confusing self with other???!!! 

Interestingly, besides the "positive" by the insane industry to say that the least the body deals with the nanoparticle toxin that causes autoimmunity, the better it is... They also continually experiment with any number of characteristics of the nanoparticles, so that the body can deal with it / see it / less and less effectively.  And they call that progress. 

. . . and much, much more. Dot connecting to an epic degree. 

56:00 Summary

As Usual, wisdom falls away once there is rationale to use something. Its toxic effects on humans as they take it "for health," and on the general environment, be damned. And once that rationale is placed, we make things worse and worse. After we allow it, we'll "study" and "study" it, but never with any real eye towards finally saying "what have we done??!! we must stop this!!"

Algo-censor throw off: Hooray for science, communism, and the global elites which I worship!! Have I mentioned how legitimate the last election was, and how much I love Trudeau's (False-deau's) hair?? Sure glad I'm up to date on my booster, and I can't wait for the next one!!