The Mordens

Feb 09, 2022, 09:31 AM

Episode image
Bells for the death of Prince Philip in Guilden Morden reimagined by Andy Billington.

"The original recording was of the bells of Guilden Morden church ringing out 99 times to mark the death of the Royal consort. I had the idea to remove all of the bells from the original field recording leaving bird song and the faint reverberation of the bell toll rising and falling. These base tracks were merged, reversed and re sampled. Essentially the sounds became ghosted and the bird song re established itself as the dominant sound. I re added parts of the original recording and slowly built out inside my DAW layers of organ and ambient pads. Finally a bass line was "found" and I reworked the track to ebb and flow, shimmer and build then decay. The Mordens describes the area which Guilden Morden forms part of. The track is really a homage to the other sounds on that day. Equally as important i think to the bells..."