The Year in Review Looking forward to what’s to come

Feb 03, 2022, 08:28 AM

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Looking back this has been an amazing year for Living Hope and for myself.  Coming out of my comfort zone going from Podcast Producer to Podcast Producer and Podcast Host!  Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I'd be here doing this.  This year we have shared my personal journey as well as the journeys of so many.  2021 has been anything but normal but hopefully the journeys shared have given us all hope and have inspired us in some way.  Though many of the journeys did not end the way we wanted, we shared in the tears, laughter, the understanding we weren't alone.  In 2022, we look forward to hearing from you.  Sharing your journey, ideas of what you'd like to hear more about.  Some may be controversial, but we hope you take something positive away from what you may hear.  In closing this episode of Living Hope is dedicated to all those that shared their journey, that watched or listened to Living Hope, the many non-profits that supported us helping us get off the ground.  A special thank you to Dawn Kamber, Public Affairs Director/Podcast Host of Impact OC, who started this many years ago and Paul Roberts, CEO and Station Manager who came up with the idea.  If you'd like to share your journey or have ideas for future episodes please email me at or
 Thank you for being part of our 2021 journey and to future journeys!