091 | Overcoming Destructive Behaviours | Evolution Of Self

Episode 91,   Feb 03, 2022, 01:30 AM

As we go through life our subconscious is programmed to ensure our survival and that we get our human needs met. Unfortunately some of the ways it tries to get this done can be destructive and can cause us harm if we let them. There is good news and that is once you know what human need you are trying to get met you can find a positive way to get it met! In this weeks episode I hope to explain how you can recognise when you are getting a human need met destructively and how to change that should you wish to.

As we go through life our subconscious is programmed to ensure our survival and that we get our human needs met. Unfortunately some of the ways it tries to get this done can be destructive and can cause us harm if we let them. There is good news and that is once you know what human need you are trying to get met you can find a positive way to get it met! In this weeks episode I hope to explain how you can recognise when you are getting a human need met destructively and how to change that should you wish to.


BrittTanya website - https://www.britttanya.com

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/britt-macfarlane-28400522/

Tony Robins and Human Needs - https://youtu.be/UdhGTvuUOys


"Evolution of Self" is a weekly podcast to support your journey towards a more conscious self aware way of living .  Britt is a Consciousness Coach, advanced Ho'oponopono practitioner, podcaster, blogger, entrepreneur and has considerable experience as a board director.

#SelfAwareness #ConsciousSelf #SelfBelief #Integrity #EvolutionOfSelf #BrittTanya #Consciousness #BecomingConscious #SelfBelief #Integrity #ConsciousLeadership #Authenticity #LawOfAttraction



Music - "Celebrate Life“ by Sascha A.Giebel, Basspartout Music

Picture by Pexels / 9144 Images from Pixabay

Check out my podcast channel here -  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/evolution-of-self/id1509289914

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