QROT-059: I was WRONG, but... THEN... SOOOO Right.

Jan 29, 2022, 01:59 PM

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1. A mix-up in terminology at least has had me saying something, that at least technically as to that terminology has been incorrect... for... a while.
2. On the OTHER hand, a grand confirmation of a very basic string of logic I've been saying almost since I understood Big Pharma's mRNA technology and how they applied it to "vaccines" - that they're decidedly narrow and too specific BECAUSE they used the spike protein, the most variable part of the virus, as the part for your body to "learn" and put in its immunity index. If the most variable part changes (ummm... as if that is an "if"), then immunity via vaccine is affected greatly. 

Admitted in a matter-of-fact way, in a non-combative story, by no less than CNN.

This is like the open admissions the CDC director said (QROT-035 and QROT-036), where she gave you the underlying facts for you to draw the conclusion "So the tests are no good anymore" but she didn't say that out loud. You be you... and make conclusions. Don't be like CNN and others in that case, and hear all the underlying reasons to conclude, but decide not to conclude or not to utter the conclusion because you haven't been given permission yet.