QROT-055: Prez's REVERSE border control: skirting Congress, coercing more, ruining supply chain

Jan 25, 2022, 01:03 PM

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Two "leaders" conspiring with a clearly purposely-backward strategy of keeping otherwise-qualified people from LEAVING the country.

Buy-den and False-deau ruining the supply chain, forcing others to take health choices against their own will. Even AS much of the western world realizes the solution cannot catch up with the alleged health problem, and the current version of the problem (Oh-my(!)-kron!) is the way out of this.

Those who really reflect on the necessity of emergency rule consider when they can end it. But authoritarians and/or bought-and-paid-for politicians find every reason to ignore reasons to end it. And instead actively try to extend it beyond any logic except that the means are the end. 

Supply chain ruin. This is not just the negligence of using central control-command strategies, and inherently therefore have poor economic outcomes compared to the invisible hand of a truly free market. But rather this is intentionally using the control-commands to purposely WITHHOLD the regular transactions that supply your country's people. That is the definition of treasonous. 

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