QROT-053: Not Charmed. Alyssa's Brain. Hopefully it does not clot.

Jan 22, 2022, 03:51 AM

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Nothing is funny about this, except that you have to laugh or you'll go insane.
A celebrity of renown can't piece together why her major vaccine side-effect like reactions are plaguing her two years after she got the never-ending story the first time. 
Nope... it's not the vaccine of course. Why it must be "long" never-ending story!
I laugh out of frustration, like people who saw the emperor without clothes probably both laughed at him but also laughed out of frustration about everyone saying how great the emporer looked. But again, I don't think it is funny that anyone gets harmed, whether they're insisting on being a vapid spokesperson or not. 
And I exaggerate a bit in the episode - obviously I don't KNOW it will be fatal, but good GAWSH she has warning it might be VERY bad. 
Let's hope her reactions, that should TELL her that her body is probably too good at creating spike proteins for the "cure" to be worth the risk, don't harm her worse. 

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