Tyne & Wear: Discussing Sight Loss & Mental Health More Openly

Season 1, Episode 1088,   Jan 21, 2022, 01:00 PM

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Tyne & Wear Sight Loss Council has a very important virtual event coming up this Wednesday 26th of January.

Their Tyne & Wear Mental Health VI Forum, will be all about shining a light on the impact sight loss can have on our mental wellbeing and the support available. 

Eamonn Dunne from Thomas Pocklington Trust, joined our Paulina Kuchorew to tell us what we can expect on the day including the panel of experts, how to take part, and why it's important to discuss mental health more openly.

Guest speakers:

  • Amanda Hawkins - RNIB Strategic Lead for Counselling and Mental Health, Confident Living & Skills Development. Amanda is also Chair of the VI Charity Sector Mental Health Committee and is a qualified counsellor/ psychotherapist.

  • Claire Campbell - Counsellor for blind and partially sighted people, Dandelion Counselling.

  • Iain Marley - Senior Commissioning Support Officer, Durham, Darlington, Teesside Mental Health, Learning Disabilities and Autism Partnership.

  • Mike Brierley - Director Lead for Mental Health & Learning Disability at NHS County Durham. 

  • Holly Fillingham - Project coordinator for North East & North Cumbria Mental Health NHS Integrated Care System and PhD candidate in social prescribing.

The event will take place Wednesday 26th of January from 5:30 - 7 PM via Zoom, to find out more visit: Events Archive - Sight Loss Council (sightlosscouncils.org.uk)

Image shows the Sight Loss Councils logo. A circle of teal coloured rows of dots of varied shapes with 'Sight Loss Councils' written next to it.