QROT-042: Takedown of Pf-LIE-zer CEO's most recent spewing

Jan 12, 2022, 04:53 AM

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Pf-LIE-zer's CEO appears on yahoo finance blah blah blahing in his best "you'll not call me on my inconsistencies" sales pitch disguised as a briefing-like interview about his company's wonderful and infallible products.
[10:26 - I misspoke and meant to say an admission happened in July of 2021, but I accidentally said July of 2020]
We listen to the audio and then take apart his claims:
1. It clearly cannot be that a product not even formulated for the latest variant can somehow have "little, if any" effect on the latest variant if you take two doses, but then somehow miraculously, as long as you max out on the allowed doses by taking the third one, THEN you are fairly well protected.
2. The easy reason is that the third dose is not formulated for the latest variant either. It is nonsense and bad science that the first two doses of something not formulated for the variant can have no effect, but the third time with the same formula, six months later is miraculous. Garbage. Plain and simple. 
3. He impliedly admits, by saying the NEXT product is "version 1.1" my point that there has been no update to the formulation, and that the booster is not any kind of an update. 
8:15 to end: An application of our previous lessons, to analyze and reveal as garbage, an info chart given during the video that says somehow we have three times as many cases per day as we've ever had. This analysis is an application of topics discussed many times, but for further discussion of some more recent points mentioned, check QROT-035 and QROT-036, 

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