QROT-041: Solace and Insanity at The Court

Jan 11, 2022, 05:39 AM

Episode image
Opposite Ends of the Spectrum at the Supreme Court
1. A Justice Asking an EXCELLENT question - We've been in an 'emergency' for a while - if the body of the people, the Congress, thought mandates were necessary, they've had plenty of time to do it. So why, given that they have that power and have decided not to do it, do you imagine you should overtake the body of the people?
(Plus further background as to how this makes beautiful sense)
2. Another Justice who apparently failed beauty school, paying ZERO attention to what the function of a Justice even IS during such proceedings, and instead acting like it is time to take up the podium to make an advocacy group appeal. But besides being the EXACT wrong thing to do, what she spouts is so obviously factually incorrect that it WOULD be laughable. Except for that whole thing where a Supreme Court Justice is, like the non-President, abandoning all limitations and knowledge of what they're supposed to do.
If that is upholding the Constitution, I'd hate to see what is not. 

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