QROT-044: Revelation: Doctors tend to not even know that Big Pharma gets to hide details of studies

Jan 13, 2022, 12:30 PM

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Another emphasis from John Abramson's appearance on JRE.

It is one thing, and a BAD thing, for safety and efficacy data to be hidden from reviewers and the public, under the idea it is "proprietary" (nonsense that is allowed anyway -  formulas and such are proprietary! Effectiveness and safety are EXACTLY what is relevant for approval!!!). 

But what is worse - doctors apparently as a rule have no idea that "peer reviewers" don't even get to double check the data themselves.

Even as some of them are mouthpieces of how safe something is because they think anything in their field is "evidence-based." 

Very frustrating, when expose after expose, scandal after scandal exist, to know that often their pride and their position as reputation and knowledge gatekeepers is not even necessarily informed by them even understanding the basics of the limitations of their knowledge. 

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