What is Communications Flow?

Episode 341,   Jan 07, 2022, 08:00 AM

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Have you ever had a perfect moment on stage or during a meeting where you just felt “on”? Everything you said came out perfectly, you felt comfortable and calm, and you were connecting with your audience? You were in your communications flow. 

Listen as I share three techniques to help you get into your flow more quickly. 

Everything starts with breath. Not just any breathing. The deep, rhythmic breaths that you take from your diaphragm. This type of breathing will help you calm any nerves and get your body ready to perform. 

Next, you’ll want to visualize your perfect presentation. Imagine yourself in front of your audience, presenting your information. Imagine it going perfectly. Imagine yourself truly rocking your presentation. If you can visualize it, then your brain will believe it to be true which helps that perfect moment come to fruition. 

Lastly, you want your words to connect with your body language. This means you need to channel your energy into your arms and hands so that you can better paint a picture for your audience. On stage body language is key to having an amazing presentation. 

Getting into your communications flow faster means having less awkward build-up as you get into the rhythm of your presentation. You’ll start off strong which will help your audience trust you more quickly and take away more from their time with you.

Show Notes:
  • [01:27] Do you know when you’re in your communications flow? 
  • [02:52] Getting into your flow starts with proper breathing. 
  • [03:48] Then you want to start visualizing the perfect communication moment. 
  • [05:07] You’ll then want your words to connect with your body language. Which means channeling energy. 
  • [06:58] Getting in flow means you’re calm and relaxed and these techniques will help you. 
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