US becomes the No 1 LNG exporter. Bud Weinstein @SMUCox_MEI, SMU Cox School of Business. yis

Jan 06, 2022, 01:19 AM

Episode image
Photo:  A curious pronghorn pauses before a small natural-gas structure, one of hundreds in Wyoming's arid Red Desert, a vast petrochemical-rich area between Rawlins and Green River. The environs do not look desert-like in many places, other than a rich sand deposit called the Killpecker Dunes, owing to the patches of sagebrush and hardy grasses that hide much of the red soil below

US becomes the No 1 LNG exporter. Bud Weinstein  @SMUCox_MEI, SMU Cox School of Business. yis

Bernard “Bud” Weinstein  @SMUCox_MEI, McGuire Energy Institute, Southern Methodist University.  Pianist.