The Winter Wheat Crop and Ukraine. @RealConstable Simon Constable Edinburgh. @Barronsonline #FriendsofHistoryDebatingSociety

Dec 30, 2021, 03:43 PM

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Photo: No known restrictions on publication. Polski: Żniwa na Ukrainie. Widoczni chłopi koszący zboże i żołnierze niemieccy pilnujący zbioru plonów.

The Winter Wheat Crop and Ukraine. @RealConstable Simon Constable Edinburgh. @Barronsonline #FriendsofHistoryDebatingSociety 

"He went on in the same way for three years; renting land and sowing wheat. The seasons turned out well and the crops were good, so that he began to lay money by. He might have gone on living contentedly, but he grew tired of having to rent other people's land every year, and having to scramble for it." Leo Tolstoy: "How Much Land Does a Man Need?"