#ClassicAnatolLieven: The Vietnam Tragedy and Liberal Internationalism. Anatol Lieven @QuincyInst

Dec 30, 2021, 02:27 AM

Episode image
Photo:   Lord Palmerston

Liberal internationalism, also known as International Liberalism and Pan-Liberalism, is a foreign policy doctrine that argues two main points: first, that international organizations should achieve multilateral agreements between states that uphold rules-based norms and promote liberal democracy, and, second, that liberal international organizations can intervene in other states in order to pursue liberal objectives. The latter can include humanitarian aid and military intervention. This view is contrasted to isolationist, realist, or non-interventionist foreign policy doctrines; these critics characterize it as liberal interventionism.

Liberal internationalism emerged during the nineteenth century, notably under the auspices of British Foreign Secretary and Prime Minister
Lord Palmerston, and was developed in the second decade of the 20th century under U.S. President Woodrow Wilson. In this form it became known as Wilsonianism..


#ClassicAnatolLieven: The Vietnam Tragedy and Liberal Internationalism.  Anatol Lieven @QuincyInst