QROT-030: Successful failure. It's not failure if it is designed to fail so you can sell more.

Dec 20, 2021, 05:54 PM

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"The solution is failing against the current threat."

Umm... you know why? Because you specifically designed it so that it wouldn't be broad enough for a threat you knew would CHANGE. You could have. It would have been easy. BUUUUT you didn't.

The word is not "failure." It is that your solution does not even apply. You designed it knowing that it would NOT apply to most of the future problems.

If I design a extension tool so I can reach 10 feet ceilings, but the design clearly cannot reach 15 feet ceilings, it is not that my 10-foot tool is "failing." It is that it was not designed to reach 15 feet ceilings.
It is inapplicable for that problem.  

Oh... by the way... if you can't reach that 15 foot ceiling... check out my new product... 

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