QROT-29: Specific Cites for TSOT021. Blowing up lie of "mysterious" "stress disorder," and putting blame where it belongs

Dec 18, 2021, 11:39 PM

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Logic string, and then the related high-level cites, for those not as versed, and didn't want to take my word for what I said in TSOT021.

Logic String:
l. Covid-19 is associated with cardiovascular damage.
2. The reason covid-19 is associated with cardiovascular damage is the spike protein.
3. mRNA has the body create spike protein.
4. Vaccine damage includes cardiovascular damage.

Easiest implication ever - Vaccine damage includes cardiovascular damage BECAUSE it has the body create spike proteins.

YET... the professional liars introduce this non-logic...
5. There is and will be a large amount of new cardiovascular disease, but it is only due to a brand new phenomenon called "post pandemic stress disorder."
LOGIC STRING POINT 1: Covid-19 is associated with cardiovascular damage
Sources: John Hopkins Medicine
"Heart Problems after COVID-19"

LOGIC STRING POINT 2: The reason covid-19 is associated with cardiovascular damage is the spike protein.

Source: Salk Institute for Biological Studies


LOGIC STRING POINT 3: mRNA has the body create spike protein.
Source: The New York Times
How Moderna's Covid-19 Vaccine Works"


LOGIC STRING POINT 4: Vaccine damage includes cardiovascular damage.

Source 1: CNBC

"CDC safety group says there’s a likely link between rare heart inflammation in young people after Covid shot"


Source 2: University of Minnesota Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy.

"Experts: mRNA COVID-19 vaccines likely tied to heart inflammation"


Source 3: Journal of Pediatrics:
"Myopericarditis After the Pfizer Messenger Ribonucleic Acid Coronavirus Disease Vaccine in Adolescents"


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