1/2: Contradictory ambitions of the new German chancellor; & What is to be done? Judy Dempsey @Judy_Dempsey. Carnegie Endowment @Carnegie_Europe. .

Dec 08, 2021, 01:26 AM

Episode image
Photo:   West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, East German President Hans Modrow, and West and East Berlin Mayors Moper and Giczy walk through the columns of the Brandenburg Gate during the official opening of the structure

1/2: Contradictory ambitions of the new German chancellor; & What is to be done? Judy Dempsey @Judy_Dempsey. Carnegie Endowment @Carnegie_Europe. .

Judy Dempsey, @Judy_Dempsey. Editor in chief #StrategicEurope, blog of @Carnegie_Europe.