How To Have Fun During The Holidays

Episode 126,   Dec 18, 2021, 10:00 PM

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Taking a break over the holidays seems straightforward, but it's so easy to get caught up trying to please everyone and make things 'perfect'. So, check out this episode to hear Mitch and Mills discuss how you can protect your peace.

In the great words of Lin Manuel Miranda…

Take a break.

(Okay… if you haven’t seen Hamilton by now… just leave)

But that sentiment is the focus of our final Dorothy and the Dealer episode for the year, where Mitch and Mills discuss HOW to cut yourself some slack and have a break over the holidays. 

Key takeaways (because we know your brains must be like ours and OVERLOADED)

  • Sometimes it takes effort - it is okay to PLAN your break
  • Find a balance between fun and nurturing yourself
  • Don’t stay on break too long (don’t let boredom run riot…)
  • Keep a routine where you can, as this benefits your health and protects your energy.
  • Set your intentions before indulging (drinking, eating sweets), and ask what you want to get out of it so you can control and guide yourself to that.
So this Christmas season, pop on this episode, put your feet up, and listen to why vacations aren’t an excuse to escape, but an important step in “coming home to yourself”.