QROT-26: Nothing Broadcast Corp's Latest Nothings, Buyden Admits Who's Running Things. More.

Dec 06, 2021, 03:41 PM

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Another case example of why watching broadcast "news" is really just watching programming.  news PROGRAMMING.
You cannot count on them even addressing elephant in the room questions. Literally they fall at this point purely to bare assertions. Literally, their modus operandi now is "if you repeat a lie often enough . . . ." 
You will be more informed watching a blank wall, because a blank wall will not distract you from your inner knowing and your basic education on biology. 
0:00 intro
:45 NBC accidental viewing is the source. Morning news talks about latest variant. 
1:56 Nonsense border policy., considering  "it's not very dangerous"
2:30  ASIDE emphasizing criminality of one tiny health dictator, revisiting facts, and his incestuous relationship with the official chief of state. 
4:36  "We must report from somewhere else!" Why? Can't you just parrot things in studio?
5:15  After saying how relatively non-dangrous the latest is, of course they have to throw a fear statement / alleged statistic in. ON something that can't test for, so how did they even come to the number. 1,500 people died in one day? You literally added that because the earlier part of the story wasn't scary enough by itself, and people might have actually found it to be good and comforting news.
6:05 AND a second element to "we must add a scary part". 
Again non-logical. 
REPEAT on WHY are they not asking the  question fortified by the study I told you about months ago? How can it be that "almost all who died were unvaccinated" if we literally have a study that says viral loads for that same variant are the SAME if you're vaccinated or not? Answer: It cannot. But the media, as usual, is abandoning their exercise of truth, and is merely a bullhorn. It merely helps transmit dangerous idea viruses, rather than exercise its alleged intelligence to help us crowd source all of the important facts and analysis. 
9:18 An alternative to ensure you're more informed than if you watch NBC. 

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