39 | A coded story: A journey of growing up & learning to navigate the infinite matrix

Dec 03, 2021, 01:16 AM

Episode image
​​Today I am sharing with you a coded story about a little girl’s journey through childhood and into being a young adult as she navigated the matrix system that she found herself ‘trapped’ in.

This transmission tells the tale of how a young girl found herself so connected to the universe and intuitive messages from her soul and other spiritual beings, but at the same time experienced extreme density and oscillation as she learnt about what it means to be incarnated on Earth.

This is a story is a journey about a fractal navigating that was lost in the matrix.  By understanding this and finding a compass to navigate the infinite matrix with, we can find direction.

This coded story is here to touch you emotionally, help you connect to your physicality, to honour your individual experience and allow yourself to experience whatever you experience. 

I would love it if you could listen and observe subtle shifts in frequencies that you feel in your body. 

This transmission is a clip taken from my masterclass “Quantum Fractal in The Matrix”. To receive the full transmission,  for free, and receive the codes necessary to help you navigate the matrix click here: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/quantumfractal

This episode covers:
  • Questioning reality and our purpose on Earth at a young age
  • Having psychic abilities shut down and cut off as a child
  • Connecting spiritually to the suffering of animals
  • How the teachings of karma & reincarnation can make us feel trapped
  • A yearning to exit and return to the stars
  • The extreme oscillation from high to low frequencies during childhood and teenagehood
  • The influence of being raised by spiritual parents on the yogic path
  • Discovering that there are multiple timelines that we each choose
  • Studying at university in search of answers to big questions
  • The quest for love
  • Feeling stuck in the matrix
  • The Phoenix frequency of destruction and rebirth
  • Meeting the soul’s essence for the first time
  • Revisiting our past story from a high-frequency viewpoint

🪐 Bonjour!
I am your host Cendrine, ascension and mission mentor and trance channel to the 9D Arcturian Council of Light.  

Together we will learn about the infinite quantum and galactic realms so we can embody more of our multidimensionality and accelerate our ascension.

Let’s reclaim our freedom and recode our reality

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