1/2: #ClassicRichardEpstein: Court-packing stays in the picture. @RichardAEpstein @HooverInst
Dec 01, 2021, 12:00 AM
Photo: From the 1860s until the 1930s, the court sat in the Old Senate Chamber of the U.S. Capitol.
1/2: #ClassicRichardEpstein: Court-packing stays in the picture. @RichardAEpstein @HooverInst
1/2: #ClassicRichardEpstein: Court-packing stays in the picture. @RichardAEpstein @HooverInst
Richard A Epstein, @RichardAEpstein Tisch Professor of Law NYU Bedford Senior Fellow; Hoover Institution; senior lecturer, University of Chicago Law School.