QROT-23: Firefighter's "Boston Tea Party" Moment, Everyone's Exemption, More.

Nov 26, 2021, 04:11 PM

Episode image
What someone who voluntarily puts his life and limbs at risk to protect and save and rescue his community's people and property thinks about someone else imagining they get to evaluate his personal risk of a 20-month old illness and an untested "solution."

Plus analysis, including:
Reward/risk of "problem" versus reward/risk of alleged "solution," is what informs the individual decisions, and for those below 45 without serious health conditions, the answer falls to exactly one side, as to concern of death. 

Firefighters' similarity to another targeted and prominent class of near bullet-proof health conditions. 

Plus, are not many sincerely-held beliefs arrived at BECAUSE of the science behind it? So, where's our "scientifically-arrived-at sincerely-held" "religious" belief exemption?? 

(Hint... we DID have it, before the pharma tyranny. It was called not mandating treatment!!! People arrived at their own decision)

And a quick congrats to the Kansas legislature, who recently bothered to "grow a pair," by calling their own session instead of waiting on the tyrant governor to do so (spoiler - she didn't and wouldn't). 

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