QROT-22: 14 days for it to be "not a vacks" death? FDA knew BAD effects 13 months ago. More.

Nov 23, 2021, 06:25 AM

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DEFINITELY something is not called a "vackst" CASE unless a full TWO weeks have passed after the jab.

So it at least this implies that proven liars may also be calling DEATHS within 14 days would not be assigned to the jab. Mis-assigning blame, away from scumbags who propagandized a product to near-compulsion before they tested it well.

SERIOUS effects told directly to the "protective" agency FDA, thirteen months ago, even about the young for which the original issue they're "solving" provided nearly ZERO risk.

7/16/21: Liar Rochelle Walensky gives a stat about 97% of people in hospitals being unvaccinated.

"DR. WALENSKY:  And maybe I’ll just add: When we look at the age demographics of people being hospitalized now, we are seeing them go up in all age demographics, exactly as Dr. Fauci noted, differently for the vaccinated and unvaccinated.  But, importantly, over 97 percent of people who are entering the hospital right now are unvaccinated."

Further analysis.

A few weeks later it is revealed her numbers were garbage numbers:
1. Her original claim was "pandemic of the unvaccinated".
2. The implication when she reported in July 2021 was that it had something to do with recent numbers - recent hospitalizations.
3. It was not... it was numbers SINCE JANUARY 2021.

"Those data were data that were from several states from January through June and didn't reflect the data we have now from the delta variant. We are actively working to update those in the context of the delta variant"

Literally she did not parse out a before and after regarding when people would even had a chance TO be vaccinated
(7/17/24 EDIT: And after listening to the audio I've realized something the original reporting article did not point out - Walensky says the data was only from "several states". It's the CDC - there would be no reason, if you wanted to report an honest number, that you couldn't and wouldn't pull all the states' data! So if you didn't, it was so you could report the higher number!!")


SERIOUS effects told directly to the "protective" agency FDA, thirteen months ago, even about the young for which the original issue they're "solving" provided nearly ZERO risk.

10:47  Contents and analysis of slide 16 in October 22, 2020 presentation to the FDA, by the Director of Biostatics and Epidemiology: Death, convulsions, stroke. heart attack, multi-system inflammatory system in children (YUP, you read that right), vaccine-enhanced disease, myocarditis, pericarditis, autoimmune disease, thrombocytopenia (lack of platelets), Kawasaki disease, anaphylaxis, Guillain-Barre (immune system damaging the peripheral nerve system).

Reports of CHILDREN with myocarditis and pericarditis - "a likely association" with the shot clot. 
Review of a few points: Children barely affected by infections of the "disease". The incorrect data of the early Italian scare, which Italy clarified very quickly. 

Ya can't have "benefits outweigh the risk" if it is addressing near zero risk for children, yet the solution literally makes the heart inflame among children. 

[Explicit Content listed because I used mild cursing a time or two. The classic word about people who are idiots - d*ps#*t .]

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