Candace Plattor - Addiction and Co-dependency

Dec 07, 2021, 12:00 AM

Candice Plattor is a psychologist, addictions councillor, award winning author and Ted-X speaker. Candice specialises working with the loved ones of those struggling with addiction, co-dependency and lack of self worth. 

The Influential Women’s Podcast talks to Candice about her own struggles with addiction, her mantras for life, and the crucial distinction between self-esteem, and self respect among other important topics. 

If any of the issues discussed in this episode have affected you, please do seek help.

Action on addiction -

Mind -

Samaritans -

The Influential Women Podcast is hosted, presented and Exec Produced by Nicki Bannerman, and assistant produced by Dulcie Godfrey. 
Twitter: @influentialpod
Instagram: @influential_women_podcast

Nicki Bannerman: Twitter - @nickihbc 
Insta - nicki_bannerman
Dulcie Godfrey: Twitter - @dulcie_god