Understanding How Weather Changes Affect Chronic Pain & Arthritis
Season 1, Episode 140, Dec 07, 2021, 06:00 PM
Have you ever had a joint ache and then in a few hours or the next day it is rains or the weather changes. Today we will discuss why your joints hurt and why your chronic pain may elevate with the change in weather. We hope you will join us on this episode, like, comment and subscribe to your Everyday Health Hacker, Dr. Liza Leal and co-host Mike Herzing of Let's Talk Wheels
How do weather changes affect your body, does your tendons, muscles and joints hurt. It is because changes in barometric pressure can cause your tissue to
expand and contract. In joint spaces this expansion has a reaction of building fluid and as it fights the reaction the fluid with in the compartment causes more pain. Many times when a front comes in patients will complain of tension and migraine headaches being worse. It is very similiar this little bit of inflammation becomes over the top and the body can not stay ahead of it so inflammation occurs and where there is inflammation there is pain. To help alleviate these issues, it is understanding weather and barometric pressure and utilizing splint therapy and tape techniques to help decrease the pressure and fluid build up caused by inflammation.
For more information please comment or reach out to us at info@everydayhealthhacker.com or 281-265-6565
Thank you to our co-host Mike Herzing of Nationally Syndicated Let's Talk Wheels and our entire team at Meridian Health Institute and Meridian Medical Dental Healthcare.
expand and contract. In joint spaces this expansion has a reaction of building fluid and as it fights the reaction the fluid with in the compartment causes more pain. Many times when a front comes in patients will complain of tension and migraine headaches being worse. It is very similiar this little bit of inflammation becomes over the top and the body can not stay ahead of it so inflammation occurs and where there is inflammation there is pain. To help alleviate these issues, it is understanding weather and barometric pressure and utilizing splint therapy and tape techniques to help decrease the pressure and fluid build up caused by inflammation.
For more information please comment or reach out to us at info@everydayhealthhacker.com or 281-265-6565
Thank you to our co-host Mike Herzing of Nationally Syndicated Let's Talk Wheels and our entire team at Meridian Health Institute and Meridian Medical Dental Healthcare.