Reviewing Bad Bedside Mannersand How to Speak UP with Grace and Candor

Season 1, Episode 139,   Nov 15, 2021, 06:00 PM


You or a family member may have had an experience with a doctor you would like to forget. You were referred to them, you know they are capable specialists and you are there to have answers and feel better. However, the surgeon or specialist forgot their manners and all of sudden turned the visit to be about their last trip or reviewed a subject that had nothing to do with the reason for the referral. Yes, it happens and it even happens to us doctors. Today we will review a recent experience.

Doctors are human and in these almost past two years of COVID, fatigue is evident and evident all around. Recently, I went with a family member to a specialist appointment, it truly was not expected. It was with a doctor, I send many of my patients too and speak to all the time on the phone regarding patient care. I was surprised, embarassed as the doctor, turned the table from the concern of my loved one to his latest travels and expertise regarding radio frequency helicopters, mind you the person he was talking to was an experienced pilot, has a drone of every size, radio frequency helicopters of all sizes and loves anything mechanical, Oh by the way did I mention this family member is also a surgeon. Yes, it was a shock and surprise. Here is how we turned around an uncomfortable encounter with a highly referred doctor, with such grace by my family member. The patient, who happened to be the pilot and surgeon politely shared and encouraged the referring doctor. It was almost as if we were in a sales meeting looking for the best benefits of the product and taking the time to learn about the other person. Yes, it should have been the other way around. How did it turn around? What turned it around is that after much questioning of his hobbies, the surgeon whom we were referred to finally opened his eyes and his ears, and understood the patient knew a little more than he did.  Of course, I wanted to say "gotcha" as this was  beautiful turning point where we finally saw the caring person I have always spoken to caring for mutual patients and now a family member. What I am trying to relay is that every doctor does not have bedside manners, they have knowledge and they have  skill, however you the patient and the loved one of the patient does not have to put up with their bad day. Give them grace, share forgiveness, and know it is okay to ask your primary doctor for another referral. Remember it is the rule of 25%. 25% of people, you will like instantly, 25% you will learn to like 25%  you will not like and 25% will never like you and it's okay. Know who you are and know there are many fish in the sea. The key is to be prepared, ask questions and if it is going side ways, patience is a virtue and give grace, then talk with your primary care physician to find the right fit for you. Never be shy and Never feel you have to accept the referral. You have choices and you have the right to fire a doctor, a topic for another episode.

Thank you again for downloading our episode, please comment like and subscribe. We look forward to being your resource for all your medical and dental needs. Your referral is our greatest compliment.

Special Thanks to my co-host Mike Herzing @letstalkwheels and our producer Jack McGraw and the entire Team at Meridian Health Institute/Meridian Medical Dental Healthcare.