Make It Don’t Fake It

Episode 337,   Nov 05, 2021, 07:00 AM

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Wondering what the worst piece of business advice you could ever receive is? Per Sabrina Horn, it’s “fake it ‘til you make it.” Listen as she shares why that phrase is so damaging and what you should be doing instead to make it instead of fake it. 

Sabrina has spent decades teaching c-suite executives leadership strategies and skills. She’s come by her own leadership skills through trial and error as she built her fledgling technology company. It was in the process of building her business that she realized how terrible faking it really is. 

Essentially if you’re faking it, you’re lying. You are not being truthful about what you can deliver and what your product can do. Not only is that dishonest, it’s also damaging. Both to you and your company as well as the clients you serve. 

Listen in to hear more about Sabrina’s journey, her new book, and her advice for making it instead of faking it. 

This is a powerful message finding its way into the world at the perfect time. There’s so much upheaval and uncertainty in the world right now that faking it may seem like the best option, but it absolutely isn’t. Listen in to learn more. 

Show Notes:
  • [01:31] Have you ever heard the adage, “Fake it until you make it?”
  • [03:06] Welcome Sabrina to the show and learn why she launched her first business? 
  • [06:30] What skills did she have to learn when she launched her start up? 
  • [08:59] Sabrina shares more about her book and the takeaways she hopes readers have. 
  • [11:52] How did she come up with her Fake-O-Meter? 
  • [13:32] What causes people to succumb to the lure of faking it? 
  • [15:01] Has she ever had an AHA or uh-oh moment as she built her business? 
  • [18:06] Listen as we chat about an experience Sabrina had when pitching IBM. 
  • [21:20] Why post-mortems are so important in business. 
  • [23:06] How can we make it and leave all the fake it behind? 
  • [25:40] Connect with Sabrina. 
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